27 March 2013
The book and the face
Luisa and I are always looking for a good book to read, and while seeking for inspiration in the network we came across to “Reviews Facial”, a literary blog really different and nice. The concept behind this is straightforward: the book reviews are not done through words, but are told with a facial expression, a face. We contacted Ramona and Jacopo, the authors of the project, and we asked them a few questions:

As soon as we entered in your blog, and having understood the concept from which it is born, there arises a question: Who was this beautiful idea?

Ramona: Is a Jacopo idea and like all the best ideas are born by chance ...
Jacopo: Yes, it was a hot summer day, a little 'out of boredom and a bit' for fun, I decided to capture my face as I read "The Road" by McCarthy. I immediately noticed that the expression was perfectly the mood arouse from reading, and I tried to do that with any other book. I have shared the first shots on Facebook and after getting a good response, Ramona has created the blog.

Who is working on the project?

R: Most of the reviews are Jacopo and mine . At the beginning we start with family and friends, but then came photos from anyone appreciated our idea, So much that at the moment there are more than fifty "reviewers". And 'This is the beauty of our blog: Anyone can participate by sending their own face.

The expression was inspired by the title or the plot of the book?

J: The idea is to capture a shot of the emotions aroused from the book, but sometimes we use the title or texture to create puns or “ad hoc” atmosphere. Our ultimate goal is still to intrigue and entice you to read so we are quite "elastic" and does not carry any kind of censorship.

The expression most representative of your blog?

R: without a doubt “the FACE “ is because it gave the "start" of all, and because it is perhaps the only one to be 100% spontaneous .

What are your plans for the future? Movie review, sites, other?

R: Actually we already review the movie in the blog “Faces film” even though we prefer to do it for books. We also give the opportunity for authors to promote his book with a self-review Facial (we call them "faces copyright"). As for the future who knows ...
J: ... maybe some contest!

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