05 June 2013
DDmag will be attend tomorrow at the “Galla” library in Vicenza, where it will be presented "Heel 12" a Benini Veronica and also her alter ego “Spore” book , a spice girl with a a blonde wig that dispense an essential strong femininity advices and instructions in her “Sporablog”. In this interview they speak about themselves with a beautiful words (and some line). Are you ready?

Veronica and Spore: what equate and what divides them?

I'm Veronica, Spore is my alter ego "frou-frou". Spore writes books, kneads her wings on the blog and always responds to emails of readers asking for help. Veronica is behind the scenes, organizes events, manages the “Stiletto Academy”, she teaches and interacts with the press. It is difficult to manage a character as cumbersome as the Spore, because even if she size only 30 cm shes got an amazing power and the fans love it, she brings fun and she always say the right thing. The Spore is is born for us to get believe in ourselves. At first she did with me, when I was being treated for infertility after cancer, and then she flew away in the network.
We have in common femininity and frivolity: shoes, creams, clothes, somersault with males. I think it is very risky to develop a character very similar to ourselves. On one hand it is good because creating everything from the scratch is difficult and does not hold up over time, but on the other hand it can be too much risk because the caracter can absorb you. The Spore has managed to do it and now I'm going around with the blonde wig!

"Heel 12", no more and no less: what does it represent for you a high heel shoe?

The heel shoe is a femininity symbol, as there are many others. Personally I love these strong symbols and I like to wear them and when I do i feel transformed. A heel is not just an accessory, since "you go up": the posture changes the position of the pelvis and makes you feel absolutely more "roar". Try it for yourself: If you're feeling down in the morning, instead of overindulge on cupcakes, try to put a nice 10' sandals , and see how that feeling can made the day. Because it can all go wrong, but what matters is how we deal with things , with pride, with self-esteem and self-love. And also feeling pretty damn sexy.

So when you "get off " at the heels, which details a woman must not neglect to be feminine?

The femininity is something we have inside, it's a way of being, a way of doing, how we move,how we turn to others. It does not matter if we wear heels or use lipstick, is not relevant. What I want to communicate with my courses is what we trouly are inside: we can feel "roar" or feel "meow."But if wearing heels can help us to feel even more "grrr" so much the better , but they are not the source, nor the crowning glory.

How many women have you met over the years in your courses? There is one that has impressed you the most or who has become your friend?

I have met many women in these three years of “Stiletto Academy”, and I meet more and more. Many of them always come back because the events are a crazy henhouse!! We are only girls and we enjoy a lot to stay together. I have many friends that I met with the blog and with the Stiletto, and it is very nice. My work takes me to give myself 100% in every event, and create synergies is always very stimulating, a complicity between women that is not easy to find in the "grind" of every day.

Which female quality a woman should always cultivate?

The softness and fragility.
You can also be a hyena to work and do the lioness throughout the day, but there's nothing more romantic and liberating to get home in the evening and indulge in the embrace of a man that makes you feel fragile. I love the fragility, we tend to consider it a weakness while it is a very important part of every woman, and hide or try to domesticate it creates dissatisfaction and frustration. I deeply believe in the differences not only between man and woman, but in general between the two components of a couple: the differences of character are filled in a beautiful balance, that is the thing I miss the most since I've been single. But for that I began to show weakness in those around me, and I feel much more human, understood and complete.

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