23 January 2015
Luciano Doria: Real Beauty Project
Luciano is for as not just a photographer, he’s first of all a very close friend: he knows that humour, light-heartedness and a unique sight on things are our best weapons. Through his lens he’s able to convey all this with the pictures that accompany our posts. Therefore today we are thrilled to introduce you to his personal project Real Beauty.

What is a Real Beauty? As a photographer, I'm interested in capturing real beauty, which is often invisible at a first glance. Recently, I've been working on a personal project detached from the world of fashion; I've been looking for and photographing many "average" people who caught my attention for a reason I can't really turn into words. A true portrait is never flattering - it rather conveys all the expressive power of the subject without any artificial touch, because real beauty is already perfect as it is.

Luciano Doria
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