28 April 2014
Quail risotto with crispy pancetta and truffle oil
Quail risotto with crispy pancetta and truffle oil

Ingredients for 4 people

4 whole quails

One litre of game stock

One celery stick, one carrot and two shallots (for the vegetable stock)

juniper berries(3) fennel seeds( a few) 1 bay leaf

250 gr of Carnaroli or Arborio rice

one large shallot

a splash of White wine 

Parmesan cheese 100 g

Butter 40 g

Diced pancetta 50 g

a tbs of Truffle oil




Remove the breasts from the birds and set them aside well seasoned with crushed black pepper and sea salt

Remove the quail's legs from the carcasses

Place the well-seasoned legs, rubbed with sprigs of thyme and garlic in a frying pan and brown until brown. in a sauce pan make a fine mire pois , add the thyme, bay and fennel seeds , fry with some olive oil, and place the quail legs to brown further , add some game stock to cover completely the legs, and simmer for 20 min, until the legs are very tender.

Chop the shallots and sauté in the butter until soft, add the pancetta, render the fat until crisp,add the rice and stir well .

When the rice is nicely toasted (approx 3 min at medium heat) add a splash of white wine and leave to evaporate.

Start adding the stock until the rice is ‘al dente’ (approx 15 min at medium heat)

Stir continuously to prevent the rice from sticking to the pan.

Meanwhile in a very hot pan fry the breasts in butter for 2 min each side then leave in a warm place to rest

When the rice is cooked, add the parmesan and the cut quail breasts lengthwise in 3-4 pieces and mix.

Leave aside to rest for 2-3 min. add a sprinkle of truffle oil and stir well.

Place the risotto on a deep plate, put one leg on the risotto and scatter some thyme leaves around the plate.

Serve immediately

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